Vstajenje ženskega aspekta

Ko spremljamo gibanje Venere, planeta, ki vlada ljubezni, nam ta pokaže, kaj nas čaka v odnosih in glede romantike. Ob koncu prvega tedna v novembru je zapustila avanturističnega strelca in vstopila v praktičnega kozoroga, kjer bo ostala vse do 6. marca 2022. Glavni temi bosta tako zavezanost in pripadnost.
Fotografija: the night and day goddess sleeps in the clouds, as in a thick white fog, hugs the full moon, a naked nude sexy girl with a golden wreath and makeup, with childish innocent face in the glare of fire.
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the night and day goddess sleeps in the clouds, as in a thick white fog, hugs the full moon, a naked nude sexy girl with a golden wreath and makeup, with childish innocent face in the glare of fire.

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