Kažipot planetov: Mesec sprememb in pretresov se nadaljuje

Poglejte, kaj nam planeti napovedujejo v prihodnjih dneh.
Fotografija: This handout artist’s impression released by the European Southern Observatory on February 22, 2017 shows the view just above the surface of one of the planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system.
The stunning discovery of seven Earth-like planets orbiting a small star in our galaxy opens up the most promising hunting ground to date for life beyond the Solar System, researchers said Wednesday. All seven are within 20 percent of the size and mass of our own planet and almost certainly rocky, and three are ideally situated to harbour life-nurturing oceans of water, they reported in the journal Nature.
/ AFP PHOTO / European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT
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This handout artist’s impression released by the European Southern Observatory on February 22, 2017 shows the view just above the surface of one of the planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. The stunning discovery of seven Earth-like planets orbiting a small star in our galaxy opens up the most promising hunting ground to date for life beyond the Solar System, researchers said Wednesday. All seven are within 20 percent of the size and mass of our own planet and almost certainly rocky, and three are ideally situated to harbour life-nurturing oceans of water, they reported in the journal Nature. / AFP PHOTO / European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / ESO/M. Kornmesser/" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS FOTO: M. Kornmesser Afp - International News Agency

Mesec sprememb in pretresov se nadaljuje. Težaven mlaj je sicer za nami, a povsem oddahnili si še ne bomo, saj se Jupiter s kvadratom in Mars v konjunkciji dotakneta nemirnega Urana. Predvsem slednje bo delovalo kot vžigalica ob sodu smodnika in lahko se ponovno stresejo tla, izredno pazljivi bomo morali biti pri vseh nevarnih opravilih, rokovanju s strupenimi snovmi, športu, na cesti, saj je večja možnost poškodb, na osebni ravni pa se moramo izogibati naglici in nepotrpežljivosti, ki nam lahko prinese kakšno nepotrebno poškodbo.

Sonce sicer v torek vstopi v odprtega vodnarja, a čeprav bodo s tem že štirje planeti v tem znamenju, se bo zdelo, da se je povečala samo naša potreba po svobodi in korenitih reformah, sicer pa bomo še vedno deležni omejitev in trenj. Poskusite najti neko svojo obliko svobode ali počnite nekaj, pri čemer boste zadihali s polnimi pljuči. Prihajajo spodbudnejši meseci in januarja epidemija in občutek nadzora res že mahata z repom in se poslavljata.

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