FOTO: Po tem brutalnem obračunu ne bo več ista

Objavljeno 28. oktober 2017 22.42 | Posodobljeno 28. oktober 2017 22.42 | Piše: B. S.

Po dvoboju je bila takšna, kot da bi jo povozil tank.

Heather Hardy, sicer boksarka, se je tokrat drugič poskusila v mešanih borilnih veščinah, pa bi bilo boljše, če se ne bi. Kristina Williams ji je namreč povsem spremenila osebni opis, med drugim ji je zlomila tudi nos. 

Se je pa po treh dneh Hardyjeva spet pojavila z zapisom na instagramu, rekoč, da se bo vrnila še močnejša kot prej. »Žal mi je, če sem vas razočarala. Dala sem vse od sebe in menim, da je bilo to tudi videti. Raje sicer izgubim, kot da morajo gledalci gledati dolgočasno borbo /.../ Čestitke Kristini Williams, ki je imela odgovor na vse, kar sem ponudila.«


I’m sorry I let everyone down. I gave it my all out there, and I truly hope it showed. I’d rather lose then give y’all a boring fight because I appreciate every one of you... sponsors, coaches, friends, family and fans... and the worst part was knowing I couldn’t get the job done for all of you. . Congrats to a game Kristina Williams, who had an answer for everything I tried. OSU! . And incase everyone is wondering, YES, I will be back. Nothing will ever take the fight out of me, not even this broken nose. I knew coming into this new world I was taking a big risk, and this is all part of my journey. . You’ve all heard how resilient I am. Now watch me bounce back. Heat  a special thank you to @bellatormma @dibellaent @shihandevon @danielgracie @fenix2317 #coachnick @jlewbags @hillimpact @dekalbmarkethall @foragersnyc for all your support

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