Za posledicami potresa umrl eden vodilnih pri Googlu

Objavljeno 26. april 2015 14.08 | Posodobljeno 26. april 2015 14.08 | Piše: A. L.

Skupaj s še tremi prijatelji je plezal na Mount Everest. Njim je smrti uspelo ubežati.

Pokojni Dan Fredinburg.

Plaz, ki je nastal kot posledica silovitega potresa v Nepalu, je vzel življenje tudi enemu od znanih vodilnih pri Googlu Danu Fredinburgu. To je potrdila njegova sestra Megan, ki je na twitterju zapisala, da je Dan v plazu na poti na Everest umrl zaradi hudih poškodb glave. Kot poroča Mirror, se je na najvišji vrh sveta vzpenjal skupaj s še tremi Googlovimi zaposlenimi, ki so smrti ubežali.

Fredinburg je bil pred časom v zvezi z ameriško igralko Sophio Bush, ki ga je označila za neponovljivega: »Ne najdem besed. Danes pobiram koščke mojega srca, ki se je razdrobilo. Verjetno vseh ne bom nikoli našla.« Pri tem je dodala hashtag #goodbysweet friend (zbogom, moj dobri prijatelj).

»Življenje ni samoumevno. Prosim, da tistim, ki jih imate radi, to poveste. Povejte jim zdaj. To minuto.« Nikoli namreč ne veš, kdaj bo prepozno, je prepričana Busheva.


My #wcw today goes out to all the ladies who've ever felt afraid, or threatened, and to all of you who are survivors. Did you know that every day in the United States there are 804 incidents of sexual assault? Well April is National Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month, and I'm proud to see so many women, and men, taking a stand. Last year I dealt with months of terrifying threats on my life from a stalker, and one of the law enforcement officers I met with gave me some Sabre tools. He said, "listen, you shouldn't HAVE to carry these, but until you feel safe enough not to, I want you to feel confident." This month @sabresafety announced their partnership with @RAINN01, the world’s largest anti-sexual assault organization, to raise awareness about sexual assault. They are sharing survivor’s stories and empowering people to take control of their personal safety. A % of proceeds from the red alarm are being donated to RAINN, and for the whole month of April, donations made directly to RAINN with be MATCHED by donors! Now THAT gives me confidence that eventually we won't have to feel afraid anymore. Thank you #Sabre for taking a stand with us - #SurvivorStories #SAAPM #RAINN

A photo posted by Sophia Bush (@sophiabush) on

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