FOTO: Tak je danes. Ko boste videli slike iz preteklosti, vas bo »sezulo«

Objavljeno 10. avgust 2017 19.22 | Posodobljeno 10. avgust 2017 19.24 | Piše: A. L.
Ključne besede: prehod spol

Odločil se je za korenito spremembo.

Jaimie Wilson je pevec in privlačen mišičast fant, za katerim marsikdo pogleda. Na instagramu ima skoraj 400.000 sledilcev, za seboj pa precej naporno obdobje. Pred leti je bil namreč ženska, ki se v svojem telesu enostavno ni znašla. Po premisleku in nato, ko mu je bilo to dovoljeno, je začel hormonsko terapijo. Kako uspešna je, preverite spodaj.

»Ne sodi knjige po platnicah,« vsem na srce polaga Jaimie, ki dodaja, da mu sprva nihče ni verjel, da želi postati moški, saj je bil zelo ženstven. Želi si, da bi se stereotipi rušili, ljudje pa stali ob strani tistim, ki to potrebujejo.


DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. I am posting this picture to show that not everyone has to show "signs" to be transgender. You don't have to pass a test to prove you're trans...and you sure as hell don't need ANYONES approval but your own. This life is about finding yourself and becoming YOU. No one's journey is the stop comparing yourself to others. When I came out people refused to believe I was a man because of how "Feminine" I presented for 18 years. So why am I posting this comparison? Because I want people to see it doesn't matter what some LOOKS like...if someone has the guts to tell you "I'm transgender" "I'm gay" "I'm bisexual" anything like that PLEASE BELIEVE them and be there for them because stereotypes need to be broken. #ftm #transman #transgender #transguy #transisbeautiful #trans #femaletomale #lgbtpride #polysexual #saga #genderfluid #queer #bisexual #noh8 #lgbt #gay #lesbian #loveislove #transformation #pride #blueeyes #beforeandafter #transpride #selflove #bodypositivity #loveyourself #vitamint #progress

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