FOTO: Objavila sliko riti, polne celulita: To je nekaj normalnega

Objavljeno 30. september 2017 16.24 | Posodobljeno 30. september 2017 16.24 | Piše: M. U.

Sophie Turner je požela pohvale.

Foto: instagram

Ameriška manekenka za močnejše Sophie Turner redno objavlja fotografije in sporočila, s katerimi želi ohrabriti ženske, ki niso zadovoljne s svojim telesom oziroma videzom.


I done a photoshoot yesterday And these are some behind the scenes pictures - I was angry when I seen this pic because Of my cellulite - It was on my mind but why should it ? I am more than #cellulite I am more than the #bellyrolls and the #backfat and #celluliteisnormal !! It’s natural for us ladies to have cellulite and we need to stop seeing it as disgusting or ugly. Yes we all want smooth skin but we also need to accept reality! I’ve had cellulite since I was about 12 which is normal. After living with something for a decade it’s all apart of being me! And I’m still learning to love it and not hate it- it’s a slow road to #selflove but it’s the best thing you can do for your confidence and mental health

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Ob fotografiji, na kateri se vidi, da ima celulit, je zapisala: »Vsi želimo lepo in gladko kožo, a moramo se sprijazniti z stvarnostjo. Od 12. leta imam celulit in to je nekaj normalnega. Če s čim živiš več kot 10 let, to postane del tebe.«

Njena objava je požela veliko pohval. 

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